Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Raw carrot cake recipe

Why should we eat raw food?

Well if you have a look at how human beings evolved....we ate raw food!!!

As a result our digestive system and digestive track is designed to eat raw food.

This doesn't mean you have to eat salad for the rest of your life either.

I eat about 80-90% of my diet raw and the rest cooked.

Two things I will not have in my diet and that is wheat (currently doing my honours at Murdoch University on the adverse effects of wheat on our health) and dairy.

With milk our hunter gather ancestors did not go up to a mammal and stick their head under it and have a drink.

Osteoporosis is a hormonal and Ph imbalance and in countries that don't drink milk after weaning it is almost nonexistent.

This week I have been working on creating a delicious carrot cake.

Friends and family are my taste testers.

My Aunty Margie said it looks ok ......... the taste is unbelievable.

So here is the recipe.

Raw Carrot Cake

5 carrots
3/4 cup almond meal
1 cup dates pitted and soak about an hour (drain)
1 cup walnuts
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
3/4 cup sultanas soaked a few hours (drain)


Chopped carrots and blend in a food processor. Then add drained dates and blend, add walnuts and blend, add almond meal, sultanas, cinnamon and nutmeg and blend until well combined.

Put into a 20 cm round cake tin and top with cashew topping and refrigerate (can freeze peices)


1 cup cashews ground in coffee grinder
3 tablespoon honey
3 tablespoon orange juice/ left over water from dates

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well and spread over cake