Sunday, August 8, 2010

Raw Food Treats
On the weekend it was my son's 13th birthday.
I had my family over and prepared them so raw food treats...they were a hit especially since they don't eat raw food like this.
In the picture is the carrot cake recipe I gave a few weeks ago
This week i'll give you the recipe for raw chocolate
Decedent Chocolate

½ cup cacao butter
4 tbsp cacao powder sifted
4 tbsp agave
1 vanilla bean pod (scrape out the seeds and use the seeds)
1/5 teaspoon Himalayan salt


Chop raw nuts like cashews, almonds, Brazil or macadamia that can be added to chocolate.
Place sifted cacao powder in a bowl then add salt, agave and vanilla seeds.
Place butter in a heat proof bowl. Place it in a pan on the stove with some water in it and gently melt butter. Remove from heat and add to the other ingredients stirring until well combined. Place a little melted chocolate into chocolate moulds and add favourite nuts then top with more chocolate. Refrigerate and then enjoy this melt in the mouth delicious chocolate.
We all had a great time without coffee!!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Raw carrot cake recipe

Why should we eat raw food?

Well if you have a look at how human beings evolved....we ate raw food!!!

As a result our digestive system and digestive track is designed to eat raw food.

This doesn't mean you have to eat salad for the rest of your life either.

I eat about 80-90% of my diet raw and the rest cooked.

Two things I will not have in my diet and that is wheat (currently doing my honours at Murdoch University on the adverse effects of wheat on our health) and dairy.

With milk our hunter gather ancestors did not go up to a mammal and stick their head under it and have a drink.

Osteoporosis is a hormonal and Ph imbalance and in countries that don't drink milk after weaning it is almost nonexistent.

This week I have been working on creating a delicious carrot cake.

Friends and family are my taste testers.

My Aunty Margie said it looks ok ......... the taste is unbelievable.

So here is the recipe.

Raw Carrot Cake

5 carrots
3/4 cup almond meal
1 cup dates pitted and soak about an hour (drain)
1 cup walnuts
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
3/4 cup sultanas soaked a few hours (drain)


Chopped carrots and blend in a food processor. Then add drained dates and blend, add walnuts and blend, add almond meal, sultanas, cinnamon and nutmeg and blend until well combined.

Put into a 20 cm round cake tin and top with cashew topping and refrigerate (can freeze peices)


1 cup cashews ground in coffee grinder
3 tablespoon honey
3 tablespoon orange juice/ left over water from dates

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well and spread over cake

Friday, May 21, 2010

How to stay healthy.

In a world where there seems no hope out of the shadows comes the answer however , it may not be the answer or quick fix that you are looking for.

Today over 80% of the world population is suffering from chronic illness. As our technology and advancements have increased dramatically over the last five year, my question is why have the rates of chronic illness raised so rapidly. The answer is simple, we have moved away from how we evolved in terms of what we ate, how we moved and how we thought. In today society we want a quick fix. We will wait until illness strikes and then we will take action. We think that the answer lies in a pill, that drugs will “cure” us. The reality is that by then it is too late for many of us.
It is not all doom and gloom; you can reverse or reduce the symptoms of chronic illness.
I am here to bring you hope, that you don’t have to live in fear of cancer, diabetes or heart disease.
You can live a healthy life and here is how you do it.
· Eat more raw food
· Eat raw food before EVERY cooked meal
· Avoid dairy (yes dairy is bad and contrary to popular belief you don’t get calcium from cow’s milk)
· Avoid products made from wheat (bread, pasta etc) use alternative gluten free options
· Drink herbal tea and avoid coffee
· Make raw sweets like chocolate and cake (yes you can have your cake and eat it too without the worry of putting on weight)
· Avoid alcohol
I want to cry every time I here that someone’s mum or brother or sister is diagnosed with cancer.
It doesn’t have to be you!
You don’t have to become a statistic.
You can live a long and healthy life by the choices you make each day, so make your choices count.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What makes a good breakfast?

Many of us are in such a hurry in the morning that we tend to skip breakfast. Research shows that people living in Western society lack the essential vitamins and minerals to make it through the day (DellaPenna, 1999).

So what makes a great breakfast?

Unfortunately breakfast cereals are not the way to go. They are low in essential vitamins and minerals, high in salt and high in sugar (Harisson and Marske 2005) .

An ideal breakfast for busy people is a bowl of fresh fruit salad topped with raw nuts and seeds or try this recipe for a power smoothie that is quick and easy jam packed with nutrients to give you energy to start the day.

Power Smoothie
2 cups English Spinach/ Kale
6 -8 ripe bananas frozen or fresh
2 celery stick (no leaves)
1 cup chilled water
Add water and spinach in a blender and blend then slowly add celery and bananas and blend until well combined and enjoy throughout the day. (for a quick start to the day make half the quantity)